5 Quotes & Sayings By Zoe Foster Blake

Zoe Foster Blake is the author of the award-winning novel The Devil's Bride, which was a finalist for the Romantic Times fiction contest. She is also the author of The Perfect Bride, The Devil's Mistress, The Devil's Bride, and Love Bites. Zoe lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children.

An anniversary is a reminder as to why you love and married this person. Zoe Foster Blake
The morning is always my best time of the day for writing because that's when my head is best. Zoe Foster Blake
I was the youngest and on my own a lot. I think this probably taught me independence and how to be okay with my own company. Also, it meant I read a lot. Zoe Foster Blake
Life isn't always really glamorous and fabulous. It's about encouraging people to go back to natural beauty. Zoe Foster Blake